The National History Museum explores the "city of the dead" of Apollonia Pontica

New archaeological discoveries in Sozopol

In the spring of 2022 in Sozopol during rescue archaeological excavations, a team of the National History Museum led by Pavlina Devlova studied part of an ancient necropolis in the town of "Sea Garden" of Apolonia Pontica (PI 67800.505.201).

During the two-month research, forty-two burial structures were discovered and documented, of which nine were in burial pits and thirty-three were in different structures (cyst graves, tiled graves of different shapes and construction methods, masonry graves of various materials).
In all the structures mentioned, the burial rite was applied.

Much of the equipment has been reused for reburial. In two of the occurrences there was continuous use and five individuals laid in one cyst. The chronological period of use of this section of the necropolis covers a long period of time - the Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antique eras. The grave goods discovered are traditional for Apollonia and for the specific historical eras: ornaments of various materials - earrings, rings, strings, chains, as well as bone combs, knives with bone handles, spearheads and arrowheads, ceramic and glass vessels, amulets, applications , lamps, fishing hooks, bronze coins, etc.

Of particular scientific interest are the uncovered stelae with crosses and early Christian inscriptions, reused for the construction of burial facilities and placed with the inscription on the inside of the burial facilities. Anthropological analysis will provide valuable information about the age, gender and specific diseases of the buried Apollonians. The valuable archaeological finds are being restored and will be shown for the first time at the traditional archaeological exhibition that the National History Museum organizes after the end of each research season.

  • Earrings
  • comb
  • Grave shot with the ring
  • A shot of the two graves touching each other
  • Whole balsamarium
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