Iva Stoyanova, PhD

Editor Department "History of Bulgaria during the Renaissance, 18th - 19th centuries."

Since 2020, curator in the department "History of Bulgaria during the Renaissance, 18th - 19th centuries",
2012 – 2019 curator in the "History" department,
2003 – 2008 editor-tour guide in the "Bojanska Church" branch

Education and additional qualifications:
2022, doctor of museology, SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Philosophy, dissertation on the topic "The National Historical Narrative of the Bulgarian Renaissance: Representations in NIM"
:2000, Master's degree, "St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Slavic Philology, Bulgarian Philology

Sphere of scientific interest:
Bulgarian Revival, Cultural and educational movement during the Revival, representations of the Bulgarian national Revival in a museum environment, preservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of the Revival period to the public.

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